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Monday, June 18, 2012

Frozen Fruit Slush

The first time that I had these Frozen Fruit Cups, I was on vacation with my family at the beach.  My aunt mixed up the fruit and spooned it into Dixie cups before freezing them overnight.  Sometime in the last afternoon on the following day while we were all melting from the blistering sun, she offered us this deliciously refreshing fruit snack.  Since then, I have made it over and over for my family.  It's elegant enough that I have served it to guests for brunch and simple enough that I made it for my kids to take to the pool.  Either way, it's delicious and super refreshing on a hot summer day.

The trick is to eat it while it's still a little bit slushy and not to wait until it's completely defrosted. 

Frozen Fruit Slush

3 bananas, sliced      

1 cup diced strawberries


4 ripe peaches, cubed  

1 1/3 cup red grapes, halved
(I used green because I didn't have any red.)

1 can crushed pineapple

½ cup lemonade concentrate  (I substituted limeade.)       1 cup orange juice concentrate
3 cups water                                      

The original recipe also had 2 cups of sugar but I think you will agree that this slush is plenty sweet enough without adding additional sugar. 


Stir bananas and lemonade together.

Stir in remaining ingredients.

Divide between individual cups or pour into a tupperware container. 

Cover and freeze 8 hours.  Remove from freezer 1 – 1 ¼ hours before serving. 

I used to love to eat these fruit slushies after a long run on a hot day.  They are a perfect post-workout snack to refuel and refresh your body.  Even though I don't run anymore, I still eat them after my crazy Insanity workouts.

I pack the fruit into small serving-size, plastic containers for my after workout snacks.  I take them out of the freezer before I head downstairs to do my workout and by the time I'm finished, they are perfectly slushy.



  1. Nice idea. But for making fruit slush, base products are also available in market. You can buy them and by adding just water to it, you can get refreshed fruit slush. Get this from here:

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