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Friday, April 12, 2013

Turtle Rice Crispy Treats

Ingredients like chocolate chips, marshmallows, caramel, pecans, rice crispy cereal and butter combined in any sort of way - cannot be bad.  I am thoroughly convinced that if you start with these tantalizing flavors, no matter how you put them together, they are going to be delicious. 

Short of just throwing them all into a big bowl and stirring them together, I did the easiest thing that I could think of with these delicious ingredients - I made turtle rice crispy treats.

I pictured these turning out differently when I envisioned this recipe in my mind.  I imagined the caramel sitting on top of the rice crispy treat and the chocolate and nuts nestled into the thick caramel layer.  What I realized (purely by mistake) was that the caramel actually soaks through the rice crispy treat and coats the entire dessert with sweet gooeyness.  A delicious discovery if I do say so myself.

Turtle Rice Crispy Treats
4 tbsp salted butter
6 cups mini marshmallows
1 tsp vanilla
5 cups rice crispies
caramel sauce
1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup chopped pecans

Melt marshmallows and butter in saucepan.

Stir in rice crispy cereal.

Pour into a greased 8" square pan.

Flatten with the bottom of a glass.

Pour caramel sauce over cooled rice crispy treats.  If you happen to have homemade caramel sauce that is the best but if not, use store bought caramel.

Sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Sprinkle nuts over top.

Allow to cool before slicing into squares.

You really cant go wrong with chocolate, caramel and butter, marshmallows and pecans.  I'm sure that you will agree.


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