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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Blueberry Farm

The blueberry farm that I like to visit every year opened early this year (June 9th) and some friends and I were there on opening day to get the first berries of the season. 

If you've never been to a blueberry farm to pick fresh blueberries - you're missing out.

There were rows and rows blueberry bushes covered with the biggest, most delicious blueberries that you have ever tasted. 

There are at least a dozen different varieties of blueberries to choose from at this farm.  I usually pick a combination of all the different kinds of berries.  Each variety has a slightly different flavor and texture.  

I have yet to find a variety that I dislike. 

We got to the farm by 7:30 but we certainly weren't the only early risers picking berries that day. 

It took a little over an hour for each of us to fill our bucket full of berries. 

I could hardly wait to get these berries home.  There are so many possibilities for these blueberries.  Should I turn them into muffins, or pie, or pancakes?  Maybe I should try something new?  Send me your blueberry recipes and I will try give them a try.

While I wait for your delicious blueberry suggestions, I think I will have a bowl of Cheerios with fresh blueberries. 


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