Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Sippers

Need a refreshing summer beverage to keep cool this summer?  Try one of my summer sipper creations or use the ideas to create your own unique combination of flavors. 

Thai Basil Lemonade

I have 3 herb pots this year on my back porch.  I use the herbs in my cooking a lot but I decided to try using them in my drinks as well. 

I made a batch of homemade lemonade (You can use any lemonade really.) and added some of the Thai basil from my herb pot to give it a nice herbal flavor. 


Lemon, Blueberry and Mint Cooler

The blueberry bush in my yard is in full bloom so I took advantage of all the fresh berries and used some in this refreshing flavored water. 

Raspberry Sun Tea

I put 2 family sized tea bags in a glass jar and set it outside in the sunlight for about an hour.  I stirred in a few Tablespoons of sugar and then poured myself a nice big glass of tea.  I added some frozen raspberries to make it even cooler and because I love the raspberry flavor in my tea.  The longer the raspberries sit in the tea, the more flavor the drink will absorb. 


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